
A famous TV channel has decided to deploy Smart Contracts in a novel quiz game format. They want an audit of their code to make sure they are ready for the official launch. Will you be able to steal the ether stored in this contract? Category: blockchain Solver: davex, lmarschk Flag: HTB{N0b0dY_WiLL_R3ceIv3_M0n3y} Writeup In this challenge, you receive the address of a deployed smart contract and its source code. The source of the contract is: ...

March 24, 2021 · 3 min · davex, lmarschk


The Royal Mint of Spain has just called, all their money’s gone. It seems to be coming from their new credit card system linked to the blockchain. Can you investigate and replicate the exploit? They just deployed a test contract for you, steal the ether they stored on it! Category: Blockchain Solver: davex, shm0sby Writeup When we opened up the challenge website we received the code of the deployed smart contract and the address of this contract. We shorted the source of the contract to the important parts ...

March 1, 2021 · 3 min · davex, shm0sby