We received this strange advertisement via pneumatic tube, and it claims to be able to do amazing things! But we there’s suspect something strange in it, can you uncover the truth?
Category: reversing
Solver: rgw, 3mbo
Flag: HTB{33zy_VBA_M4CR0_3nC0d1NG}
For this challenge, we can download a zip file. When unpacking it, we see a single file Upgrades.pptm
. When opening the presentation in LibreOffice, we immediately find that it contains macros:
There is one macro with the following source code:
Attribute VBA_ModuleType=VBAModule
Sub Module1
Private Function q(g) As String
q = ""
For Each I In g
q = q & Chr((I * 59 - 54) And 255)
Next I
End Function
Sub OnSlideShowPageChange()
j = Array(q(Array(245, 46, 46, 162, 245, 162, 254, 250, 33, 185, 33)), _
q(Array(215, 120, 237, 94, 33, 162, 241, 107, 33, 20, 81, 198, 162, 219, 159, 172, 94, 33, 172, 94)), _
q(Array(245, 46, 46, 162, 89, 159, 120, 33, 162, 254, 63, 206, 63)), _
q(Array(89, 159, 120, 33, 162, 11, 198, 237, 46, 33, 107)), _
q(Array(232, 33, 94, 94, 33, 120, 162, 254, 237, 94, 198, 33)))
g = Int((UBound(j) + 1) * Rnd)
With ActivePresentation.Slides(2).Shapes(2).TextFrame
.TextRange.Text = j(g)
End With
If StrComp(Environ$(q(Array(81, 107, 33, 120, 172, 85, 185, 33))), q(Array(154, 254, 232, 3, 171, 171, 16, 29, 111, 228, 232, 245, 111, 89, 158, 219, 24, 210, 111, 171, 172, 219, 210, 46, 197, 76, 167, 233)), vbBinaryCompare) = 0 Then
VBA.CreateObject(q(Array(215, 11, 59, 120, 237, 146, 94, 236, 11, 250, 33, 198, 198))).Run (q(Array(59, 185, 46, 236, 33, 42, 33, 162, 223, 219, 162, 107, 250, 81, 94, 46, 159, 55, 172, 162, 223, 11)))
End If
End Sub
End Sub
We see that the macro defines one function, q(g)
that takes an array and outputs a string. As the logic is not that complicated, we can code up a python equivalent:
def q(arr):
return "".join(chr((i*59-54)&255) for i in arr)
Next, we put in all arrays in calls to q into this function and look at the generated strings. The first five arrays do not contain anything useful, but the following block looks promising:
If StrComp(Environ$(q(Array(81, 107, 33, 120, 172, 85, 185, 33))), q(Array(154, 254, 232, 3, 171, 171, 16, 29, 111, 228, 232, 245, 111, 89, 158, 219, 24, 210, 111, 171, 172, 219, 210, 46, 197, 76, 167, 233)), vbBinaryCompare) = 0 Then
VBA.CreateObject(q(Array(215, 11, 59, 120, 237, 146, 94, 236, 11, 250, 33, 198, 198))).Run (q(Array(59, 185, 46, 236, 33, 42, 33, 162, 223, 219, 162, 107, 250, 81, 94, 46, 159, 55, 172, 162, 223, 11)))
End If
Decoding the arrays with our new function, we get:
If StrComp(Environ$("username"), "HTB{33zy_VBA_M4CR0_3nC0d1NG}"), vbBinaryCompare) = 0 Then
VBA.CreateObject("WScript.Shell").Run("cmd.exe /C shutdown /S")
End If
We immediately see the flag HTB{33zy_VBA_M4CR0_3nC0d1NG}