Flag remover
I removed the flag :P Category: web Solver: aes, Liekedaeler, lukasrad02 Flag: GPNCTF{1_L0V3_L3G4CY_F34TUR3S} Writeup This challenge — like a few other web challenges in this CTF — is a nodeJS- and express-based web application. It has four routes that we should examine further. First off, there are the / and /removeFlag.js HTTP GET routes. These only serve static strings but their responses will become important later. There also is an admin bot that can be triggered via the /admin POST route. We can provide an HTML string that is passed into a form field in the home page’s HTML along with the flag in another field. When these two values have been entered, the admin bot’s browser is redirected to the /chal page we will look at later. After the redirect to the page, the browser waits five seconds and then waits for the successful execution of a small JavaScript snippet. Afterwards, it takes a screenshot and returns it to us. ...